Hot Rum Milk

Americans drink Margarita like there'll be no tomorrow


Americans do love Margarita, 185,000 Margaritas vanish in the darkness of human innards every hour.

Hot Rum Milk1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Hot Rum Milk cocktail recipePT5M

Hot Rum Milk

Strong ABV ( between 20% and 30% ), Bold and noticeable.
*Note that dilution and other factors like type and temperature of ice are not considered in this upfront calculation.

Enjoy with bread pudding or cinnamon toast.

Warm and Creamy

  • Rum 3 cl
  • Hot Milk Fill -

Any Glass of your Choice

Hot Rum Milk
hot rum milk is a popular Rum cocktail containing a combinations of Rum,Hot Milk .Served using Any Glass of your Choice
Add a splash of aged rum to a mug of gently steaming milk for a simple yet hugely satisfying indulgence, with spieces to taste. Cinnamon schnapps is a classic choice, wrapping your senses in aromatic warmth, while flavors like wildberry or peach produce a fruit-studded custardy treat. Customize the drink exactly to your taste and enjoy ultimate cozy comfort!

Hot Rum Milk Ingredients

Rum,Hot Milk,

Hot Rum Milk Recipe

cup (hot) Add 2 oz flavor mix or Schnapps for a Cherry Peach Blackberry Raspberry Strawberry or Wildberry Hot Rum Milk

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  • Rum

    Rum is a liqour that originated in the West indies and is made by fermenting then distilling sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice. The distillate is usually a clear liquid and is then aged in oak barrels.

    Most Rums are produced in the Caribbeans and American countries, but are now produced in other sugar producing countries like PHilippines and Taiwan.

    The first recorded mention of Rum comes from Barbados, in about 1650. They were originally called "kill-devil" or "rumbullion" and later on, simply Rum.

  • Hot Milk Fill

    Milk can do wonders to your regular cocktail. For a rich creamy cocktail, milk does wonder .You may argue that milk as it is made of fat, and being low in acid, will easily curdle if its mixed with alcohol.
    Best way to get a rich and creamy cocktail is to use bourbon, milk will soften its whiskey flavour. If you are looking for some spicier yet creamy cocktail go for Scotch with milk cocktails, they'll surely set you holiday mood.

Cocktail Companions


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