Jungle Juice #6

Can I use preserved citrus twists in syrups or cocktails?


Preserved citrus twists (such as those in a light syrup or alcohol solution) can add a unique twist to cocktails and syrups. Experiment to find the balance between the preserved flavors and the freshness you desire.

Jungle Juice #61for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Jungle Juice #6 cocktail recipePT5M

Jungle Juice #6

  • Malibu Coconut Rum 3 cl
  • Captain Morgan Spiced Rum 3 cl
  • Cherry Brandy 1.5 cl
  • Pineapple Juice 18 cl
  • Orange Juice 18 cl
  • Cranberry Juice 1 splash
  • 99 Bananas Banana Schnapps 1.5 cl

Beer mug

Jungle Juice #6

jungle juice #6 is a popular Beer,Rum cocktail containing a combinations of Malibu Coconut Rum,Captain Morgan Spiced Rum,Cherry Brandy,Pineapple Juice,Orange Juice,Cranberry Juice,99 Bananas Banana Schnapps .Served using Beer mug

Jungle Juice #6 Ingredients

Malibu Coconut Rum,Captain Morgan Spiced Rum,Cherry Brandy,Pineapple Juice,Orang...

Jungle Juice #6 Recipe

Chilled Beer Mug fill with ice. Add 1 oz. Malibu Coconut Rum, 1 oz. Captain Morgans Rum, 1/2 oz. Cherry Brandy. Fill 1/2 and 1/2 Pineapple juice and Orange juice. Splash of Cranberry Juice and float 99 Bananas on top. Garnish with Pineapple slice and cherry.

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  • Malibu Coconut Rum

    A Coconut Rum is a White Rum made following the usual fermentation of sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice, then distillation of it into a clear liquid, which is then aged in stainless steel barrels. White Rums are colourless since they are aged in steel barrels where as Dark Rums get their hue from the charred oak barrels they are agedin.

    A Coconut Rum is essentially thus a white Rum infused with coconut flavour by steeping coconut meat in Rum and leaving to infuse for at least two weeks. Then once infused, the coconut is filtered out and the flavoured Rum is bottled and sold. From the infusion it attains a rich tropical flavour and creamy texture and is a favourite tropical drink to uplift your mood, where ever you are.

  • Captain Morgan Spiced Rum

    Captain Morgan is a brand of flavored rums produced by British alcohol conglomerate Diageo. It is named after the 17th-century Welsh privateer of the Caribbean, Sir Henry Morgan. – Wikipedia

  • Cherry Brandy

    Although the name is Brandy, Cherry Brandy is not a Brandy since Brandy is produced by distillation of wine, pomace or fruit mash, where as Cherry Brandy is produced by macerating cherries in neutral spirit, Vodka to be specific in it's case, it is not even macerated in any Brandy, so technically it is not a Brandy and it doesn't contain Brandy either, although some brands might add some Brandy but that's not a legal requirement. Cherry Brandy is a liqueur, and thus it is also known as Cherry Brandy Liqueur.

    Cherry Brandy Liqueur is usually flavoured using spices such as cinnamon and cloves. One distinctive speciality of distillation of the cherry infused spirit is that the pot still for distillation has to be copper instead of stainless steel, copper helps produce a smoother distillate and most importantly removes the cyanide produced when cherries are distilled

  • Pineapple Juice

    Rich in antioxidants, this juice pressed from the pulp of the Pineapple is a good protection against cell degeneration, It contains bromelain, a group of enzymes known to reduce inflammation, improve digestion and boost immunity. In drink mixing, there is nothing like the tropical flavour of pineapple juice to add that tropical freshness and nuance to a cocktail.

    In drink mixing pineapple having a fruity tropical aroma pineapple juice is a good companion for tropical fruits such as mango, banana, passion fruit, and also pairs well with oranges and grapefruit juice.

    Pineapple juice is the juice pressed out of the pulp of the pineapple fruit, several varieties of pineapple are used to manufacture commercial pineapple juice. High on Vitamin C and enzymes that have been shown to activate healthy immune response, it’s a good juice to start a day. The enzyme bromelain in pineapple juice, triggers analgesic response in the body to fight pain and reduce swelling. In cocktails, Pineapple juice goes best with Vodka and is often a regular juice in many Vodka cocktails.

  • Orange Juice

    Orange Juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C, one cup contains twice the daily recommended value. Vitamin C supports the immune system and helps fighting the common cold. The folate in Orange juice supports healthy fetal development. It is low calory and thus is already a qualified alternative to cola fizz in your cocktail if you want to keep your drinks acceptably healthy.

    Orange Juice being citrus and naturally sweet and sour, it literally goes with almost any liquor, and of course Vodka being neutral, the best known pairing is with Vodka. But goes well with Dark Rum too, and you get the Planter's Punch, mix it with Champagne and you have made a mimosa, or with tequila to make a tequila sunrise.

  • Cranberry Juice

    Cranberry Juice is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, the compounds that fight free radicals and kills harmful bacteria. Cranberry juice is a home remedy for Urinary Tract Infection.
    Pure Cranberry Juice is sour and bitter with very low sugar in it, and thus fortified Cranberry Juice is used for consumption and sugar is added to it for taste. The resulting juice tart and sweet and with a pH of 2.6 it is quite acidic and is an excellent substitute for Red Wine.

  • 99 Bananas Banana Schnapps

    The 99 line of Schnapps is produced by Barton Brands Ltd, now part of the Sazarec Company. The 99 line of Schnapps is the only 99 proof Schnapps and the tastes are intense and makes cocktails stand out. The 99 Bananas is a tropical Banana flavoured Schnapps in the 99 line and is great companion in tropical cocktails.


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