The Rapture

Which TV show made Napoleon Solo cocktail popular?


The 1960's TV show The Man from U.N.C.L.E made the Napoleon Solo cocktail popular. The drink was named after the lead character played by Robert Vaughn and was featured in several episodes of the show. The recipe for the cocktail is simple and includes just a few ingredients: gin Lillet Blanc orange bitters and a twist of lemon peel.

The Rapture1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic The Rapture cocktail recipePT5M

The Rapture

Sweet and fruity

  • Bacardi Gold Rum 6 cl
  • Absolut Vodka 6 cl
  • Hennessy Cognac 6 cl
  • Jack Daniel`s Tennessee Whiskey 6 cl
  • Red Bull Energy Drink 6 cl
  • Tropical Fruit Juice 3 cl
  • Cranberry Juice 3 cl
  • Orange Juice 3 cl
  • Grapefruit Juice 1 splash

highball glass

The Rapture
the rapture is a popular Vodka cocktail containing a combinations of Bacardi Gold Rum,Absolut Vodka,Hennessy Cognac,Jack Daniel`s Tennessee Whiskey,Red Bull Energy Drink,Tropical Fruit Juice,Cranberry Juice,Orange Juice,Grapefruit Juice .Served using highball glass

The Rapture Ingredients

Bacardi Gold Rum,Absolut Vodka,Hennessy Cognac,Jack Daniel`s Tennessee Whiskey,R...

The Rapture Recipe

Place all ingredients n a mixer, stir and serve.

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  • Bacardi Gold Rum

    Gold Rum or Amber Rum is a Rum aged in a wooden cask that gives it it's characteristic colour and sweetness and rich flavour.

    Note that all Rums are born white or light, or rather colourless, it's in the ageing process that they gain their character and colour. Amber Rum is aged in Wooden/Oak Casks while Dark Rum is aged in Charred Oak wood Casks.

  • Absolut Vodka

    Vodka is an European clear distilled alcoholic drink that has been one of the most popular drinks across the world .

    You'll find it to be the most popular spirit in drink making because of it's neutral taste and absence of flavour and colour.

    Vodka often replaces Gin in many traditional cocktails

    Vodka is known to be good for the heart, and if consumed in moderation, can prove to be good for cardiovascular health

    Note that these days there are flavoured Vodka available in the market too, and some cocktails do make use of them.

  • Hennessy Cognac

    Cognac is a geographically specific Brandy, named after the commune Cognac, France. Cognac is a commune in the Charente department in the south-west of France.

    Cognac production is regulated by the French Appellation d'origine with specific methods of production and specific grapes from designated regions to be used to meet the legal requirement to be declared a Cognac.

    Methods include a double distillation in copper pot stills and aged at least two years in French oak barrels from Limousin or Troncais. Cognac is also an eau de vie.

    Cognac has a fascinating history and it's association with Napoleon Bonaparte, specifically the Emperor's association with the Courvoisier cognac has made Cognac one of the most celebrated and sought after alcoholic beverage ever.

    Napoleon Bonaparte visited Bercy in 1811 as documented in a historic painting by Etienne Bouhot and later was credited with saying he wanted his artillery companies to have a ration of cognac during the Napoleonic Wars - Wikipedia
    The current legally defined categories of Cognac are
    V.S.: Eau de vies with a minimum age of two years. Also known as Very Special or Three Stars.
    V.S.O.P.: Eau de vies with a minimum age of four years. Also known as Very Special Old Pale or Reserve.
    X.O.: Eau de vies with a minimum age of six years

  • Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey

    Tennessee Whiskey is a straight whiskey produced in the US state of Tennessee. Whiskey produced in Tennessee is technically and legally a Bourbon and is recognised as Bourbon internationally, but Tennessee manufacturers prefer to keep their produce separate from Bourbon. To be a legal Bourbon, a whiskey has to meet the following criteria

        Produced in the United States and Territories (Puerto Rico) and the District of Columbia
        Made from a grain mixture that is at least 51% corn
        Aged in new, charred oak containers
        Distilled to no more than 160 (U.S.) proof (80% alcohol by volume)
        Entered into the container for aging at no more than 125 proof (62.5% alcohol by volume)
        Bottled (like other whiskeys) at 80 proof or more (40% alcohol by volume)

    Tennessee Whiskey meets all the requirements too, but they prefer keeping it distinct and as per the signed House Bill 1084 of 2013, requiring the Lincoln County process (which involves maple charcoal filtering) to be used for products produced in the state labeled as "Tennessee Whiskey", along with the existing requirements for bourbon. - Wikipedia

  • Red Bull Energy Drink

    Available under several brand names with Red Bull being the holder of the major market share, these are usually carbonated drinks containing stimulants, usually caffeine, which is claimed to provide mental and physical stimulation. Note that Energy drinks are not Sports Drinks and are not substitute of “Food Energy” the energy we get from metabolism of food, hence the marketing tag like “Energy” which means a temporary augmented level of awareness and alertness.

  • Tropical Fruit Juice

    Ice is so obvious in most drinks, be it a straight drink or a mixed drink, that we often forget it's importance or even reason behind using a crystal clear good quality ice in a glass of whisky, or crushed ice in a tall glass to enjoy a cocktail.

    Ice tempers a hard liquor, and as is in the case of whisky for example, if you prefer the flavours of whisky reach your nose without the hard note of spirit lingering around, or want to avoid the mild sting of a neat whisky, a cube of ice mellows the strength down a little and as it melts slowly, the aroma and flavour is released from the whisky slowly and makes whisky progressively weak, lingering and palatable.

    Ice in Vodka helps release the little flavour a Vodka has, slowly, instead of letting the Vodka hit your nose all at once,

    In mixed drinks, ice plays an important role in creating the perfect temperature a certain drink requires and bartenders use ice in several different ways, crushed ice for long drinks that will allow the cocktail to slowly water down like a Mint Julep, Moscow Mule, Rum Swizzle, Sherry Cobbler and other Tiki drinks, a large block or cubes of ice for drinks that are spirit heavy, such as the Old Fashioned, Negroni, and Manhattan

  • Cranberry Juice

    Cranberry Juice is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, the compounds that fight free radicals and kills harmful bacteria. Cranberry juice is a home remedy for Urinary Tract Infection.
    Pure Cranberry Juice is sour and bitter with very low sugar in it, and thus fortified Cranberry Juice is used for consumption and sugar is added to it for taste. The resulting juice tart and sweet and with a pH of 2.6 it is quite acidic and is an excellent substitute for Red Wine.

  • Orange Juice

    Orange Juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C, one cup contains twice the daily recommended value. Vitamin C supports the immune system and helps fighting the common cold. The folate in Orange juice supports healthy fetal development. It is low calory and thus is already a qualified alternative to cola fizz in your cocktail if you want to keep your drinks acceptably healthy.

    Orange Juice being citrus and naturally sweet and sour, it literally goes with almost any liquor, and of course Vodka being neutral, the best known pairing is with Vodka. But goes well with Dark Rum too, and you get the Planter's Punch, mix it with Champagne and you have made a mimosa, or with tequila to make a tequila sunrise.

  • Grapefruit Juice

    Grapefruit juice is loaded with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, which help in cleansing lymphatic system, nervous system, digestive and excretory system. Consuming grapefruit juice will help you combat fatigue and insomnia. Thus when you add grapefruit juice to your cocktails, it not only enhances the taste of your cocktail, it will hide the smell of the ethanol. and at same time will enhance the nutrient value of your cocktail.


Please Note All Recipes and Articles on this site are for entertainment and general information only. None of it is to be considered final or absolutely correct or medical in nature.
However, we have embarked on a journey of manually updating the relative strength of cocktails, their flavour profile and in the future aim at providing approximate calories per drink too.
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Where as a grey tick would mean that the recipe has not yet been manually validated or verified recently.

Note: The Cocktail photos used are graphical representations of the glass and colour of a drink, these are generated using information from the recipe and we personally strive at providing real photographs of cocktails and we hope we can replace all representational photos with real photos soon.
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