
Why is it important to shake cocktails?


Shaking chills and dilutes the ingredients, blends flavors, and imparts a desirable texture to the cocktail. It's crucial for drinks with citrus, egg whites, or syrups.

Sherburger1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Sherburger cocktail recipePT5M


Fruity, tangy, and tropical

  • Raspberry Vodka 6 cl
  • Lemon-Lime Soda 6 cl
  • Orange Juice 3 cl
  • Coconut Rum 1.5 cl

Any Glass of your Choice

Sherburger is a popular Vodka cocktail containing a combinations of Raspberry Vodka,Lemon-Lime Soda,Orange Juice,Coconut Rum .Served using Any Glass of your Choice

Sherburger Ingredients

Raspberry Vodka,Lemon-Lime Soda,Orange Juice,Coconut Rum,

Sherburger Recipe

Fill chilled old fashioned glass halfway with ice. Pour Lemon Lime soda (Sprite and Squirt make slightly variant flavors), then Raspberry Vodka (Bacardi or other) then Orange Juice, and stir. Top with a splash or two of coconut rum (Malibu or other), between 1/4 and 1/2 oz. Garnish with a wedge of orange and lime.

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  • Raspberry Vodka

    Vodka is an European clear distilled alcoholic drink that has been one of the most popular drinks across the world .

    You'll find it to be the most popular spirit in drink making because of it's neutral taste and absence of flavour and colour.

    Vodka often replaces Gin in many traditional cocktails

    Vodka is known to be good for the heart, and if consumed in moderation, can prove to be good for cardiovascular health

    Note that these days there are flavoured Vodka available in the market too, and some cocktails do make use of them.

  • Lemon Lime Soda

    Soda refers to carbonated water, sweetened, flavoured or plain, but there is a difference between Soda and plain Carbonated Water or Sparkling Water, which is known as Seltzer Water, while Seltzer Water is plain water carbonated to add fizz, Soda water contains potassium bicarbonate and potassium sulphate in the water, and according to research Seltzer Water is safer for teeth health and sparkling water provides true hydration and is better at it than regular soda or diet soda.

  • Orange Juice

    Orange Juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C, one cup contains twice the daily recommended value. Vitamin C supports the immune system and helps fighting the common cold. The folate in Orange juice supports healthy fetal development. It is low calory and thus is already a qualified alternative to cola fizz in your cocktail if you want to keep your drinks acceptably healthy.

    Orange Juice being citrus and naturally sweet and sour, it literally goes with almost any liquor, and of course Vodka being neutral, the best known pairing is with Vodka. But goes well with Dark Rum too, and you get the Planter's Punch, mix it with Champagne and you have made a mimosa, or with tequila to make a tequila sunrise.

  • Coconut Rum

    A Coconut Rum is a White Rum made following the usual fermentation of sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice, then distillation of it into a clear liquid, which is then aged in stainless steel barrels. White Rums are colourless since they are aged in steel barrels where as Dark Rums get their hue from the charred oak barrels they are agedin.

    A Coconut Rum is essentially thus a white Rum infused with coconut flavour by steeping coconut meat in Rum and leaving to infuse for at least two weeks. Then once infused, the coconut is filtered out and the flavoured Rum is bottled and sold. From the infusion it attains a rich tropical flavour and creamy texture and is a favourite tropical drink to uplift your mood, where ever you are.


Please Note All Recipes and Articles on this site are for entertainment and general information only. None of it is to be considered final or absolutely correct or medical in nature.
However, we have embarked on a journey of manually updating the relative strength of cocktails, their flavour profile and in the future aim at providing approximate calories per drink too.
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Where as a grey tick would mean that the recipe has not yet been manually validated or verified recently.

Note: The Cocktail photos used are graphical representations of the glass and colour of a drink, these are generated using information from the recipe and we personally strive at providing real photographs of cocktails and we hope we can replace all representational photos with real photos soon.
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Easy Cocktail RecipesEasy Cocktail Recipes

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