Why do we call a mixed drink a cocktail?


There are several origin theories as noted in Difford's Guide, the two most plausible theories are here
The first relates to cocking up poor quality booze with herbs, bitters and mixes, as Cocktail historian David Wondrich writes “if you had an old horse you were trying to sell, you would put some ginger up it’s butt, and it would cock it’s tail up and be frisky. That was known as cock-tail.”

The second theory states that in an Mexican tavern, English sailors noticed that mixed drinks were stirred with the root of a plant known as cola de gallo, or cock's tail in English. The name came to England with the sailors and then to the USA.

ANKA1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic ANKA cocktail recipePT5M


Moderate ABV ( between 15% and 20% ), Balanced and approachable.
*Note that dilution and other factors like type and temperature of ice are not considered in this upfront calculation.

Fruity, spiced, and sweet

  • Zubrowka Vodka 5 cl
  • Crushed Cinnamon Stick 2.54 cm
  • Apple Puree 2.5 cl
  • Apple Juice 2.5 cl
  • Lemon Juice 1.25 cl
  • Sugar Syrup 1 cl

Any Glass of your Choice

ANKA is a popular Vodka cocktail containing a combinations of Zubrowka Vodka,Crushed Cinnamon Stick,Apple Puree,Apple Juice,Lemon Juice,Sugar Syrup .Served using Any Glass of your Choice

ANKA Ingredients

Zubrowka Vodka,Crushed Cinnamon Stick,Apple Puree,Apple Juice,Lemon Juice,Sugar ...

ANKA Recipe

Chill a Martini Glass with ice and put the ingredients in a galss and muddle the ingredients and put them all into a boston tin and shake away. once shaken double strain into you chilled martini glass and enjoy This cocktail is brilliant actually tastes like an apple crumble so enjoy

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  • Zubrowka Vodka

    Vodka is an European clear distilled alcoholic drink that has been one of the most popular drinks across the world .

    You'll find it to be the most popular spirit in drink making because of it's neutral taste and absence of flavour and colour.

    Vodka often replaces Gin in many traditional cocktails

    Vodka is known to be good for the heart, and if consumed in moderation, can prove to be good for cardiovascular health

    Note that these days there are flavoured Vodka available in the market too, and some cocktails do make use of them.

  • Crushed Cinnamon Stick 2.54 cm

    Cinnamon is a very popular spice used world over, obtained from the inner bark of the trees of the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used in a wide variety of cuisines, sweets, breads and tea and is a dominant flavour in Cola too. Cinnamon trees are grown for two years befiore harvesting them by cutitng the stems at ground level, leaving stumps of trunks from where new shoots grow back and the tree growns again. The cut down stems are immediately processed, the outer bark is scraped off and the stem is beaten evenly with a hammer to loosen the inner bark which is then pried off in long rolls, dried and cut into pieces for sale.
    Both Cinnamon Sticks and Cinnamon Powder is used in cocktails to add that sweet and woody flavour to the drink. Alternatively if you are not comfortable with the Powder and the recipe doesn't explicitly asks for Cinnamon Powder you can use a drop of Cinnamon Oil instead.
    Note: Cinnamon Leaf Oil has a musky and spicy scent, and a light-yellow tinge that distinguishes it from the red-brown color of cinnamon bark oil Cinnamon leaf oil is lighter, cheaper and ideal for regular use. Although cocktail creation is an art and you can experiment with both.

  • Apple Juice

    Apple juice is a fruit juice made by maceration and pressing of an apple. The extract is usually clarified of suspended starch and pectin and then pasteurised and bottled or further clarified to produce a commercial juice. Apple juice manufacturing being an expensive process, it is mostly produced commercially worldwide.
    Apple juice if unconcentrated, is 88% water and helps rehydrating the body, it contains beneficial plant compounds like polyphenols. Lakewood's Organic Apple Juice is one of the best choices of Organic Apple Juice, while Mott's Sensible Apple is the brand that has the least added sugar in it.
    Apple juice goes well with Vodka too, while dark liquors like Bourbon and Dark Rum had been the traditional choices with Apple Juice.

  • Lemon Juice

    Lemon Juice being rich in Vitamin C is an excellent remedy for sore throat and aids in digestion and controls blood sugar, and also promoted weight loss. It is used for various culinary and non-culinary purposes all over the world. Lemon juice is known to reduce or even reverse the effects of excessive alcohol consumption and intoxication.
    In drink mixing, fresh lemon juice brings a tangy zing to so many classic drinks and in fact, it's the most used ingredient in drink mixing other than the liquors of course.


Please Note All Recipes and Articles on this site are for entertainment and general information only. None of it is to be considered final or absolutely correct or medical in nature.
However, we have embarked on a journey of manually updating the relative strength of cocktails, their flavour profile and in the future aim at providing approximate calories per drink too.
Blue Tick Project:We aim at manually validating and verifying each cocktail in their current context and mark them as valid, where, a blue tick would mean that the recipe has been verified and is 100% accurate while an orange tick would mean the recipe has low confidence.
Where as a grey tick would mean that the recipe has not yet been manually validated or verified recently.

Note: The Cocktail photos used are graphical representations of the glass and colour of a drink, these are generated using information from the recipe and we personally strive at providing real photographs of cocktails and we hope we can replace all representational photos with real photos soon.
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Easy Cocktail RecipesEasy Cocktail Recipes

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