
Should I rim the glass with salt or other seasonings for Bloody Mary?


Rimming the glass with salt or a seasoned blend enhances the overall experience. Experiment with options like celery salt, Old Bay seasoning, or a mixture of kosher salt and smoked paprika for added depth.

Vesuvio1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Vesuvio cocktail recipePT5M


Low ABV ( less than 15% ),Light and refreshing.
*Note that dilution and other factors like type and temperature of ice are not considered in this upfront calculation.

lemon sorbet or tiramisu

Citrusy and sweet

  • Lemon Juice 1/2 -
  • White Rum 3 cl
  • Sweet Vermouth 1.50 cl
  • Powdered Sugar 1 tsp
  • Egg White 1 -

old fashioned glass

Vesuvio is a popular Rum,Vermouth cocktail containing a combinations of Lemon Juice,White Rum,Sweet Vermouth,Powdered Sugar,Egg White .Served using a old fashioned glass

Vesuvio Ingredients

Lemon Juice,White Rum,Sweet Vermouth,Powdered Sugar,Egg White,

Vesuvio Recipe

Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes, and serve.

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  • Lemon Juice

    Lemon Juice being rich in Vitamin C is an excellent remedy for sore throat and aids in digestion and controls blood sugar, and also promoted weight loss. It is used for various culinary and non-culinary purposes all over the world. Lemon juice is known to reduce or even reverse the effects of excessive alcohol consumption and intoxication.
    In drink mixing, fresh lemon juice brings a tangy zing to so many classic drinks and in fact, it's the most used ingredient in drink mixing other than the liquors of course.

  • White Rum

    In the making of Rum, the produce of the fermentation and distillation process of molasses is a transparent spirit, which is then aged in vats or barrels and the end result of the ageing is Rum.

    White Rum differs from Dark Rum in this process of ageing, while to produce a Dark Rum, the distillate is aged in a large charred oak barrel, White Rum is aged in big stainless still barrels.

    There are no legal categorisatoin of Rums and it's just a matter of practice that dark rum is used in cooking or is drunk straight or with a Cola , white rums are mostly used in cocktails.

  • Sweet Vermouth

    Vermouth the French for German Wermut, Wormwood in English, is an aromatic fortified Wine, flavoured with various botanicals like roots, barks, flowers, herbs, seeds and spices.

    Although traditionally Vermouth was used for medicinal purposes, it has been also served as an apéritif in its modern avatar. The modern Vermouth first appeared in and around the 18th Century in Turin. By the late 19th Century it became very popular with bartenders as a key ingredient in cocktail mixology.

    Martini, Manhattan, Rob Roy and Negroni were a few cocktails that Vermouth grew in popularity with. But later during the 20th Century, Vermouth slowly lost its glory and Dry Martinis and extra Dry Martinis with little or no Vermouth gained over the original Martini. Modern Martinis usually have a splash of Vermouth to add that herbacious texture to it.

    Historically, there have been two Vermouth types, Dry and Sweet, but with demand variations have come up now. that include extra-dry white, sweet white, red, amber and rose.

    Vermouth is produced by adding proprietory mixture of aromatic botanicals to a base wine or a base wine plus spirit or spirit only, which is usually redistilled before adding it to a base of neutral grape wine or unfermented wine must ( freshly pressed grapes and the juice ). After the wine is aromatised and fortified. it is sweetened and the end product is a Vermouth.

    Dry Vermouth is what makes the character of the original Martini, and a Dry Vermouth has less sugar and is more herbacious but less spicier than Sweet Vermouth.

  • Egg White

    Eggs are used to add viscosity and mouthfeel to cocktails, sour cocktails like Whisky Sour, tastes the best when made with added egg white. Egg whites create a creamy texture and a thick layer of foam on top of a cocktail. While unlike using just the white, adding the yolk adds a bit of a flavour to the drink, it helps emulsify the other ingredients and adds the eggnog flavour to your cocktail.
    To get the silk smooth texture and mouthfeel and the foamy head without weakening the drink by melting the ice from too long shaking, which is needed to break the proteins of the egg white to froth up, dry shake the ingredients first, that is, pour all ingredients and the egg white in your shaker and shake hard without ice first, for about a minute and then add ice and shake again.


Please Note All Recipes and Articles on this site are for entertainment and general information only. None of it is to be considered final or absolutely correct or medical in nature.
However, we have embarked on a journey of manually updating the relative strength of cocktails, their flavour profile and in the future aim at providing approximate calories per drink too.
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Where as a grey tick would mean that the recipe has not yet been manually validated or verified recently.

Note: The Cocktail photos used are graphical representations of the glass and colour of a drink, these are generated using information from the recipe and we personally strive at providing real photographs of cocktails and we hope we can replace all representational photos with real photos soon.
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