Goombay Smash #2

How do I make a Bloody Mary less thick or more refreshing?


Adjust the consistency by adding a bit of water, extra tomato juice, or even a splash of citrus juice to lighten it up. This can make the cocktail more refreshing, especially in warmer weather.

Goombay Smash #21for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Goombay Smash #2 cocktail recipePT5M

Goombay Smash #2

  • White Rum 3 cl
  • Dark Rum 3 cl
  • Coconut Rum 3 cl
  • Pineapple Juice 12 cl

Collins glass

Goombay Smash #2

goombay smash #2 is a popular Rum cocktail containing a combinations of White Rum,Dark Coconut Rum Rum,Pineapple Juice .Served using Collins glass

Goombay Smash #2 Ingredients

White Rum,Dark Coconut Rum Rum,Pineapple Juice,

Goombay Smash #2 Recipe

Fill a tall glass with ice, add all ingredients and shake well.

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  • White Rum

    In the making of Rum, the produce of the fermentation and distillation process of molasses is a transparent spirit, which is then aged in vats or barrels and the end result of the ageing is Rum.

    White Rum differs from Dark Rum in this process of ageing, while to produce a Dark Rum, the distillate is aged in a large charred oak barrel, White Rum is aged in big stainless still barrels.

    There are no legal categorisatoin of Rums and it's just a matter of practice that dark rum is used in cooking or is drunk straight or with a Cola , white rums are mostly used in cocktails.

  • Dark Rum

    Dark Rums have molasses as their main ingredient, the dark liquor has a full bodied flavour of spices and caramel and is a favourite drink with Cola and is part of so many cocktails.

    The term Dark Rum is not a legal definition but it generally refers to any rum that is dark brown in appearance due to ageing or from additional molasses or caramel.

    The colour of Dark Rum varies from Gold to Black, depending on the years of ageing in the vat.

  • Coconut Rum

    A Coconut Rum is a White Rum made following the usual fermentation of sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice, then distillation of it into a clear liquid, which is then aged in stainless steel barrels. White Rums are colourless since they are aged in steel barrels where as Dark Rums get their hue from the charred oak barrels they are agedin.

    A Coconut Rum is essentially thus a white Rum infused with coconut flavour by steeping coconut meat in Rum and leaving to infuse for at least two weeks. Then once infused, the coconut is filtered out and the flavoured Rum is bottled and sold. From the infusion it attains a rich tropical flavour and creamy texture and is a favourite tropical drink to uplift your mood, where ever you are.

  • Pineapple Juice

    Rich in antioxidants, this juice pressed from the pulp of the Pineapple is a good protection against cell degeneration, It contains bromelain, a group of enzymes known to reduce inflammation, improve digestion and boost immunity. In drink mixing, there is nothing like the tropical flavour of pineapple juice to add that tropical freshness and nuance to a cocktail.

    In drink mixing pineapple having a fruity tropical aroma pineapple juice is a good companion for tropical fruits such as mango, banana, passion fruit, and also pairs well with oranges and grapefruit juice.

    Pineapple juice is the juice pressed out of the pulp of the pineapple fruit, several varieties of pineapple are used to manufacture commercial pineapple juice. High on Vitamin C and enzymes that have been shown to activate healthy immune response, it’s a good juice to start a day. The enzyme bromelain in pineapple juice, triggers analgesic response in the body to fight pain and reduce swelling. In cocktails, Pineapple juice goes best with Vodka and is often a regular juice in many Vodka cocktails.


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