Peppermint Patty

Which mixed drink came before the cocktail?


Punch was introduced from the Indian subcontinent to England by the employees of the East India Company in the late 17th Century or arguably 16th Century.
The original drink of the Indian Subcontinent was named paantsch, the word punch may have been a loan word from the Indian Paanch, meaning five, as the drink was usually made with five ingredients, alcohol, sugar, lemon or lime juice, water and spices.

The term punch was first recorded in English documents in 1632, and the need for a single-serving punch grew, giving birth to the sling, a drink composed on spirits, sweetener and nutmeg

Peppermint Patty1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Peppermint Patty cocktail recipePT5M

Peppermint Patty

  • Peppermint Schnapps 4.5 cl
  • Chocolate Syrup 1 squirt

Shot glass

Peppermint Patty

peppermint patty is a popular Shots andamp; Shooters containing a combinations of Peppermint Schnapps,Chocolate Syrup .Served using Shot glass

Peppermint Patty Ingredients

Peppermint Schnapps,Chocolate Syrup,

Peppermint Patty Recipe

Keep a shot of peppermint schnapps in your mouth, and squirt chocolate syrup in. Shake head vigorously and swallow.

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  • Peppermint Schnapps

    Peppermint Schnapps is a clear spirit that tastes like liquid candy cane with astringent, mouth wash like after taste. It is created by adding peppermint flavour to a clear grain spirit and is usually 15% Alcohol by Volume.

    In the US it is popular around the holidays, as shots or in creamy sweet cocktails. Peppermint Schnapps is produced by many brands and in different qualities. A regular brand is DeKupyer, while Rumple Minze or Dr. McGillicuddy’s Mint Schnapps are better quality versions of the same.

    For those who want a better experience than this mint spirit that has an astringent feel, Creme de Menthe is a smoother alternative.

  • Chocolate Syrup 1 squirt

    Cola in general is a carbonated soft drink flavoured with vanilla,cinnamon, nutmeg, citrus oils and other flavourings and has been popular ever since it's invention by Pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886.

    Cola gets it's name from the Kola Nut from which a Cola gets it's caffeine, the original recipe of Pemberton contained cocaine from coca leaves too, and was an non-alcoholic wine. Since it's invention the recipe has been closely guarded and yet replicated by many other brands of which, Pepsi Cola remain to be the major competition of Coca Cola invented and trade marked by Pemberton.

    Cola being sweet and having a refreshing flavour profile that includes vanilla on top to a citrus taste with complex flavours of nutmeg, cinnamon and other very oriental herbs, it in itself is a great mixer for so many spirits. Best of course is the neutral Vodka but who doesn't want a Rom and Coca Cola? and have not heard the Andrew Sister's Song Rum and Coca Cola

    Note: If you are one of those that are clinically dependent on Coca Cola or Cola in general and drink litres of Cola per day, the SodaStream Diet Cola will be a great alternative for you. It has less sugar and uses sucralose instead of aspartame used in Diet Cola. Each bottle makes 9 litres of Cola. Note that you need the Sodastream Sparkling Water Maker for this. But it's worth the money.


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