Avispon Verde - Green Hornet

What cocktails pair well with spicy foods?


Cocktails with citrusy and refreshing profiles, like Margaritas or Mojitos, can complement the heat of spicy dishes. Additionally, cocktails with cooling elements, such as cucumber or mint, can provide a nice contrast.

Avispon Verde - Green Hornet1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Avispon Verde - Green Hornet cocktail recipePT5M

Avispon Verde - Green Hornet

  • Pineapple Juice 4.5 cl
  • Sour Mix 4.5 cl
  • Blue Curacao 1.5 cl
  • Midori 1.5 cl
  • Peach Schnapps 1.5 cl

Any Glass of your Choice

Avispon Verde - Green Hornet

avispon verde - green horneAvispon Verde - Green Hornet is a popular cocktail containing a combinations of Pineapple Juice,Sour Mix,Blue Curacao,Midori,Peach Schnapps .Served using Any Glass of your Choice

Avispon Verde - Green Hornet Ingredients

Pineapple Juice,Sour Mix,Blue Curacao,Midori,Peach Schnapps,

Avispon Verde - Green Hornet Recipe

Shake with ice and strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a pineapple wedge and a cherry.

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  • Pineapple Juice

    Rich in antioxidants, this juice pressed from the pulp of the Pineapple is a good protection against cell degeneration, It contains bromelain, a group of enzymes known to reduce inflammation, improve digestion and boost immunity. In drink mixing, there is nothing like the tropical flavour of pineapple juice to add that tropical freshness and nuance to a cocktail.

    In drink mixing pineapple having a fruity tropical aroma pineapple juice is a good companion for tropical fruits such as mango, banana, passion fruit, and also pairs well with oranges and grapefruit juice.

    Pineapple juice is the juice pressed out of the pulp of the pineapple fruit, several varieties of pineapple are used to manufacture commercial pineapple juice. High on Vitamin C and enzymes that have been shown to activate healthy immune response, it’s a good juice to start a day. The enzyme bromelain in pineapple juice, triggers analgesic response in the body to fight pain and reduce swelling. In cocktails, Pineapple juice goes best with Vodka and is often a regular juice in many Vodka cocktails.

  • Sour Mix

    Sweet and Sour Mix, also Whiskey Sour Mix or Margarita Mix or Daiquiri Mix is a versatile mix in many cocktails.
    This is a yellowish-green coloured concoction, with equal portion of lemon or lime juice with a simple syrup. When this mix is shaken vigorously with ice it produces a pearly-white liquid mixture ready for your cocktail.

    Sweet and Sour Mix, also Whiskey Sour Mix or Margarita Mix or Daiquiri Mix is a versatile mix in many cocktails.
    This is a yellowish-green coloured concoction, with equal portion of lemon or lime juice with a simple syrup. When this mix is shaken vigorously with ice it produces a pearly-white liquid mixture ready for your cocktail.

  • Blue Curacao

    Curaçao is a liqueur flavored with the dried peel of the bitter orange laraha. It's been a popular liqueur for more than 150 years, the Dutch East India Company created this orange liqueurs by steeping orange peels in alcohol from the island of Curaçao and called it Curaçao liquor, unlike Triple Sec, Curacao has added spices and herbs to the orange and Curaçao comes in a variety of colours such as clear, orange or blue.

    Blue Curaçao being the most used of them, in cocktails. Although Curacao is an orange tinted liquor, Blue Curacao is a regular Curacao dyed bright blue to give it a striking appearance, and thus is a very popular cocktail mixer, whenever a striking colour is desired.

    Blue Curacao is usually around 25% ABV.

    Blue Curacao is essentially Orange Liqueur tinted Blue, the colour doesn't influence the taste and thus Orange Curacao is interchangeable with Blue Curacao in recipes, if the colour is not important in the appearance.

    NOTE: Blue Curacao being an Orange Flavoured Blue Liqueur, it's primary purpose in a cocktail is introducing the Orange flavour and the striking sky blue to the drink, so, if a bottle of Blue Curacao liqueur is something you are not planning to buy right now, you can manage with the Blue Curacao Syrup.
    It would add the same flavour and colour profile to the cocktail, all we need to do is simply count for the alcohol absent in the syrup and account for it.

  • Midori

    Midori is a sweet, bright green coloured, muskmelon flavoured liqueur produced by Suntory, a Japanese multinational brewing and distilling company.

    Midori is typically 20% to 21% Alcohol by Volume, and is extremely sweet to drink straight, and is thus usually used in cocktails.

    Sours are often combined with Midori to balance out its sweetness.

    Midori mixed with Vodka and 7-Up makes a cocktail that tastes similar to Mountain Dew.

  • Peach Schnapps

    Peach Schnapps is a type of Schnapps with a peach flavour, made by adding flavour to clear grain spirit. It was introduced by DeKuyper in 1984, and quickly became the top selling Schnapps in America. The favour is intense and that makes it a favourite mixer in cocktails. These heavily sweetened alcoholic beverages are bottled with an alcohol content that varies between 15% and 40% ABV.

    Although Peach Schnapps like other Schnapps are mostly used as flavorings and mixers in cocktails, they can definitely be enjoyed straight, and a Peach Schnapps is typically a summer or spring drink.

    Peach Schnapps is usually mixed with orange juice or white lemonade, but are often used as mixers in cocktails with other primary base alcohol.

    Peach Schnapps is the most favourite Schapps in the UK.


Please Note All Recipes and Articles on this site are for entertainment and general information only. None of it is to be considered final or absolutely correct or medical in nature.
However, we have embarked on a journey of manually updating the relative strength of cocktails, their flavour profile and in the future aim at providing approximate calories per drink too.
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