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What is The First Recorded Cocktail in History?
MOREThe oldest recorded cocktail is El Draque, named after the legendary English privateer ( pirate, depending on which side you are ) Sir Francis Drake. Sir Francis Drake was a British Naval Officer and a Slave Trader who was on his mission of pillaging the Spanish settlements in the Caribbean islands, and when he was in Havana, he found his men severely ill with malnutrition and scurvy. He sent a shore party in search of a cure and a cure they did find, the natives of Matecumbe, the southernmost tip of Florida, taught them the recipe of an alcoholic mix of a bark from the Chuchuhuasi tree and a distilled sugarcane beverage known as Aguardiente ( a sort of Schnapps ) , made from raw sugarcane juice, lime and mint.
This drink indeed saved Francis Drake's men and this is the precursor of the modern Mojito, and when Mojito was invented in Havana they simply replaced the Aguardiente with Rum and dropped the medicinal tree bark much in a way Quinine has been gradually removed from Tonic Water and many other recipes.
Now this drink that saved Drake's men was recorded and named in honour of Drake, the pirate, it's called the El Draque. This is probably the first recorded mixed drink.
Strong ABV ( between 20% and 30% ), Bold and noticeable.
*Note that dilution and other factors like type and temperature of ice are not considered in this upfront calculation.
smoked salmon blinis, crostini
Fruity, citrusy, and honeyed
- Famous Grouse Scotch Whisky 5 cl
- Bols Triple Sec 0.8 cl
- Bols Apricot Brandy 1.2 cl
- Pineapple Juice 2.5 cl
- Lemon Wedge 2 squeeze
- runny honey 2 spoon
cocktail glass

Capercaillie Ingredients
Famous Grouse Scotch Whisky,Bols Triple Sec,Bols Apricot Brandy,Pineapple Juice,...
Capercaillie Recipe
Measure the ingredients into a shaker. Fill the shaker with fresh solid ice cubes. Shake vigorously for 10-12 seconds. Carefully open shaker and place Hawthrone strainer over the top. Gently strain into a pre-prepared glass, garnish with a pineapple wedge and serve.
Famous Grouse Scotch Whisky
Scotch Whisky or simply Scotch is one of the most famous traditional whisky, the other being Irish Whiskey, Canadian Whisky, American Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey, Japanese Whisky and Australian Whisky.
Just like in Ireland ( Uisce Beatha ), the Scottish word for Whisky is a derivative of the Scottish Gaelic word Uisge Beatha, meaning the Water of Life.
Scotch Whiskey is a Geographically Identified Product and there are regulations that has to be met for a Whisky to be labeled a Scotch Whisky.
Traditionally Scotch Whisky is made from malted barley, but there had been deviation and variations too. A distinctive characteristic of a Scotch Whisky is drying of the malted barley over a peat fire, that attributes a smoky aroma to the Whisky. post distillation, maturation or aging is done in oak barrels previously used for bourbon whiskey, Sherry, Wine, Fortified Wine, Rum and other Spirits. This Aging process that spans years is the largest contributing factor that impact the flavour of the Whisky.
To be labeled a Scotch, a Whisky has to be pass several guidelines and production standards designed by the Scotch Whisky Regulations 2009.
- 1. Comprises a minimum alcoholic strength by volume of 40% (80 US proof)
- 2. Contains no added substances, other than water and plain (E150A) caramel colouring
- 3. Is produced at a distillery in Scotland from water and malted barley (to which only whole grains of other cereals may be added) all of which have been:
- 3.1 Converted at that distillery to a fermentable substrate only by endogenous enzyme systems
- 3.2 Distilled at an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 94.8% (190 US proof)
- 3.3 Fermented at that distillery only by adding yeast
- 3.4 Processed at that distillery into a mash
- 4. Is wholly matured in an excise warehouse in Scotland in oak casks of a capacity not exceeding 700 litres (185 US gal; 154 imp gal) for at least three years
- 5. Retains the colour, aroma, and taste of the raw materials used in, and the method of, its production and maturation
There are two basic types of Scotch Whisky, blended Scotch are created by master blenders from these two types.
1. Single Grain Scotch is a Scotch whisky distilled in a single distillery and in addition to water and malted barley, may have whole grains of other malted or un-malted grains. Note that single here refers to Single Distillery origin, not a Single grain.
2. Single Malt Scotch is a Scotch distilled in a single distillery like a Single Grain, but it must not use anything but Malted Barley.
Out of these, are derived Blended Grain Scotch Whisky and Blended Malt Scotch Whisky with the obvious explanatory names, a Blended Grain Scotch is a blend of two or more Single Grain Scotch Whisky while a Blended Malt Scotch Whisky is a blend of two or more Single Malt Scotch Whisky.
While a Blended Scotch Whisky is a blend of one or more Single Malt Scotch Whiskies with one or more Single Grain Scotch Whiskies.Bols Triple Sec
Triple-Sec is an Orange flavoured liqueur from France. It is made by macerating sun dried orange peel in alcohol for a day or more before a three step distillation. Triple Sec has a 15% to 40% ABV.
The Triple Sec name refers to the process of distillation. Sec in French means dry or distilled and triple refers to the triple distillation process.
It's been a popular liqueur for more than 150 years, the Dutch East India Company created orange liqueurs by steeping orange peels in alcohol from the island of Curaçao and called it Curaçao liquor, and unlike Triple Sec, the Dutch added spices and herbs to the orange and Curaçao comes in a variety of colours such as clear, orange or blue. Blue Curaçao being the most used of them, in cocktails. Triple Sec is made from neutral spirits and the Orange peel used is harvested from oranges that have the skin still green, so that the essential oils are still in the skin and has not been absorbed into the flesh. This gives Triple Sec the intense flavour.Bols Apricot Brandy
Brandy, simply put, is a distilled wine. It is categorised under Distilled Alcoholic Beverages along with Whiskey, Rum, Gin, Vodka and Tequila, but it's in a way a cross connection between Fermented liquor and distilled liquor. A Brandy typically containts 35% to 60% Alcohol by Volume ( 70-120 US proof ) and is usually consumed as an after dinner digestif.
Although Brandy is generally classified as a liquor produced by distilling wine, in a broader sense, this encompasses liquors obtained from the distillation of either pomace ( the soild remains of grapes after mashing and extraction of juice for wine making ) or fruit mash or wine.
It may be noted that Brandy like Gin is also one of the original Water of Life or eau de vie, carried over from the medieval tradition of an aquaous solution of ethanol used as a medicine.
The history of Brandy is closely tied to the development of commercial distillation in and around the 15th Century. In early 15th Century French Brandy made way for a new cross-Atlantic trade or Triangle Trade and replaced Portuguese Fortified Wine or Port from the central role it played in trade, mostly due to the higher alcohol content of the Brandy and ease of transport. However by the late 17th Century, Rum replaced Brandy as the exchange alcohol of choice in the Triangle Trade. More info on Wikipedia for the interested Brandy aficionados. Note that an Apricot Brandy can refer to the liquor (or Eau de Vie, Water of Life) distilled from fermented apricot juice or a liqueur made from apricot flesh and kernels.Pineapple Juice
Rich in antioxidants, this juice pressed from the pulp of the Pineapple is a good protection against cell degeneration, It contains bromelain, a group of enzymes known to reduce inflammation, improve digestion and boost immunity. In drink mixing, there is nothing like the tropical flavour of pineapple juice to add that tropical freshness and nuance to a cocktail.
In drink mixing pineapple having a fruity tropical aroma pineapple juice is a good companion for tropical fruits such as mango, banana, passion fruit, and also pairs well with oranges and grapefruit juice.Pineapple juice is the juice pressed out of the pulp of the pineapple fruit, several varieties of pineapple are used to manufacture commercial pineapple juice. High on Vitamin C and enzymes that have been shown to activate healthy immune response, it’s a good juice to start a day. The enzyme bromelain in pineapple juice, triggers analgesic response in the body to fight pain and reduce swelling. In cocktails, Pineapple juice goes best with Vodka and is often a regular juice in many Vodka cocktails.
runny honey 2 spoon
Honey is a viscous, sweet liquid made by honey bees and some other bees, from sugary secretion of plants, nectar, that they bring back to their honeycombs in the nest and regurgitates into the cells for preservation, enzymatic reactions turn these flower nectar into honey.
Honey is resplendent with micronutrients and have loads of antioxidants, as well as antibacterial and antifungal agents in it. Health benefits of honey are innumerous but without getting into that, let's focus on why honey is a preferred sweetner in drink mixing.
Honey has a sweetness factor of 1 which is as sweet as the table salt Sucrose, but honey's thickness, and depth of flavour stand uop against other ingredients, where as simple syrup or agave nectar often are overwhelmed by the flavour of other ingredients. To top that honey adds viscosity to drinks giving it a different and luxurious texture.
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Please Note All Recipes and Articles on this site are for entertainment and general information only. None of it is to be considered final or absolutely correct or medical in nature.
However, we have embarked on a journey of manually updating the relative strength of cocktails, their flavour profile and in the future aim at providing approximate calories per drink too.
Blue Tick Project:We aim at manually validating and verifying each cocktail in their current context and mark them as valid, where, a blue tick would mean that the recipe has been verified and is 100% accurate while an orange tick would mean the recipe has low confidence.
Where as a grey tick would mean that the recipe has not yet been manually validated or verified recently.
Note: The Cocktail photos used are graphical representations of the glass and colour of a drink, these are generated using information from the recipe and we personally strive at providing real photographs of cocktails and we hope we can replace all representational photos with real photos soon.
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