
What type of wood chips should I use for smoking?


Experiment with various wood chips to find the flavor profile you prefer. Common options include applewood, hickory, cherry, and mesquite. Start with a small quantity and adjust based on your taste preferences.

Wysoosler1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Wysoosler cocktail recipePT5M


Herbal, dry, bitter

  • Sweet Vermouth 3 cl
  • Gin 2.25 cl
  • Green Chartreuse 2.25 cl
  • Orange Bitters 2 dashes

cocktail glass

Wysoosler is a popular Vodka cocktail containing a combinations of Sweet Vermouth,Gin,Green Chartreuse,Orange Bitters .Served using a cocktail glass
The Wysoosler cocktail is a complex and sophisticated concoction that combines the herbaceous notes of green Chartreuse with the sweet and aromatic flavors of sweet vermouth and gin. The addition of orange bitters adds a layer of complexity and depth to the drink. Served in a chilled cocktail glass, the Wysoosler is a perfect choice for those who appreciate a well-balanced and refined cocktail.

Wysoosler Ingredients

Sweet Vermouth,Gin,Green Chartreuse,Orange Bitters,

Wysoosler Recipe

Pour the vermouth, gin, green chartreuse and orange bitters into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

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  • Sweet Vermouth

    Vermouth the French for German Wermut, Wormwood in English, is an aromatic fortified Wine, flavoured with various botanicals like roots, barks, flowers, herbs, seeds and spices.

    Although traditionally Vermouth was used for medicinal purposes, it has been also served as an apéritif in its modern avatar. The modern Vermouth first appeared in and around the 18th Century in Turin. By the late 19th Century it became very popular with bartenders as a key ingredient in cocktail mixology.

    Martini, Manhattan, Rob Roy and Negroni were a few cocktails that Vermouth grew in popularity with. But later during the 20th Century, Vermouth slowly lost its glory and Dry Martinis and extra Dry Martinis with little or no Vermouth gained over the original Martini. Modern Martinis usually have a splash of Vermouth to add that herbacious texture to it.

    Historically, there have been two Vermouth types, Dry and Sweet, but with demand variations have come up now. that include extra-dry white, sweet white, red, amber and rose.

    Vermouth is produced by adding proprietory mixture of aromatic botanicals to a base wine or a base wine plus spirit or spirit only, which is usually redistilled before adding it to a base of neutral grape wine or unfermented wine must ( freshly pressed grapes and the juice ). After the wine is aromatised and fortified. it is sweetened and the end product is a Vermouth.

    Dry Vermouth is what makes the character of the original Martini, and a Dry Vermouth has less sugar and is more herbacious but less spicier than Sweet Vermouth.

  • Gin

    Gin is a distilled alcoholic beverage that has it's origin in medicinal liquor made by monks and alchemists across Europe. The historical Gin producing regions are Southern France, Flanders and Netherlands. Gin was originally created to provide aqua vitae from grape and grain distillates.

    During the Middle ages, the newly found substance Ethanol was considered by Alchemists to be the water of life, and an aqueous solution of ethanol was in use all over Europe and had different names and is literally the origin of many spirits like Whisky ( from the Gaelic uisce beatha for water of life ). Today Gin is produces from a wide range of ingredients, which gave rise to numerous distinct styles and brands. The predominant flavour of Gin is from the Juniper berries and then each different distillery flavours it further with an assortment of botanicas or herbs, spices, floral and fruit flavours, in different combinations. Gin is commonly drank mixed with Tonic water but it is also often used as a base spirit for many gin based flavoured liqueurs like Sloe Gin.

  • Green Chartreuse

    If there is any liqueur shrouded in mystery and steeped in history of European medieval culture of alcoholic medicine making, be it eau de vie or uisce beatha, the history of the monks of different orders who spent their time in identifying herbs and their benefits, Chartreuse would be the forerunner.

    Chartreuse gets its name after the monks of the Carthusian Order head quartered in Grande Chartreuse monastery, located in the Chartreuse Mountains in Grenoble, France. It is a distilled alcohol aged with 130 herbs, plants and flowers, with a recipe that's to this day, a closely kept secret that only two monks can know, at any given time. These are the monks that mix the botanicals.

    The recipe of this Elixir Vegetal was presented to Carthusian monks by François Hannibal d'Estrées, a marshall of artillery, during French King Henry IV, in 1605. Since then, through ups and downs, exiles and returns, the monks have held to their secret tightly and once were producing Chartreuse in exile from Spain.

    After their exile in 1793 the Carthusian monks returned to France in 1816, and the manuscript to the elixir that was secretly passed on when the monks carrying it were arrested, were passed on back to them, they started producing Chartreus from the Monastry.

    They were exiled again in 1903 and they took refuge in Tarragona, Catalonia and the monks started producing it with the label Liqueur fabriquée à Tarragone par les Pères Chartreux, until their return to France and regaining control of the distillery at the Monastry a few decades later.

  • Orange Bitters 2es

    Orange Bitters are traditionally the zest of Seville Oranges mixed with other spices such as cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, caraway seeds, coriander seeds, anise and burnt sugar in an alcohol base.
    Note that Orange Bitters are not to be confused with Angostura Aromatic Bitters, although the House of Angostura produces an Orange Bitters brand too.


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