Zip Drive

What herbs are commonly used in botanical cocktails?


Popular herbs include mint, basil, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, and sage. However, the possibilities are extensive, and unique herbs like lemongrass, lavender, and tarragon are also frequently used.

Zip Drive1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Zip Drive cocktail recipePT5M

Zip Drive

Strong ABV ( between 20% and 30% ), Bold and noticeable.
*Note that dilution and other factors like type and temperature of ice are not considered in this upfront calculation.

chocolate-covered coffee beans or tiramisu

Citrusy and slightly sweet

  • Lemon Juice 1.5 cl
  • Gosling`s Black Rum 2.25 cl
  • Brandy 1.50 cl
  • Kahlua Coffee Liqueur 0.75 cl
  • Cointreau Orange Liqueur 2.25 cl
  • Sugar Syrup 1.5 cl

martini glass

Zip Drive
zip drive is a popular Rum cocktail containing a combinations of Lemon Juice,Gosling`s Black Rum,Brandy,Kahlua Coffee Liqueur,Cointreau Orange Liqueur,Sugar Syrup .Served using a martini glass
This modern cocktail showcases a harmonious blend of sweet and sour in a smooth, silken package. Brandy and rum provide an alcoholic warmth, while Kahlua lends bittersweet coffee richness. Lemon adds bright citrus, and Cointreau delivers sweet orange. The sugar syrup ties everything together. Shaken hard over ice and strained into a martini glass without garnish, each flavor shines cleanly through the harmony of the blend. Sip and savor the seamless melding of flavors.

Zip Drive Ingredients

Lemon Juice,Gosling`s Black Rum,Brandy,Kahlua Coffee Liqueur,Cointreau Orange Li...

Zip Drive Recipe

Shake all ingredients over ice and strain into a Martini glass. No garnish. Cheers! Note: Sugar syrup is a solution of sugar and water that is cooked over low heat until clear, then boiled for a minute or so. I can be made in various densities: Thin: 3 parts water to 1 part sugar. Medium: 2 parts water to 1 part sugar. Heavy: Equal parts water and sugar.

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  • Lemon Juice

    Lemon Juice being rich in Vitamin C is an excellent remedy for sore throat and aids in digestion and controls blood sugar, and also promoted weight loss. It is used for various culinary and non-culinary purposes all over the world. Lemon juice is known to reduce or even reverse the effects of excessive alcohol consumption and intoxication.
    In drink mixing, fresh lemon juice brings a tangy zing to so many classic drinks and in fact, it's the most used ingredient in drink mixing other than the liquors of course.

  • Goslings Black Rum

    Rum is a liqour that originated in the West indies and is made by fermenting then distilling sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice. The distillate is usually a clear liquid and is then aged in oak barrels.

    Most Rums are produced in the Caribbeans and American countries, but are now produced in other sugar producing countries like PHilippines and Taiwan.

    The first recorded mention of Rum comes from Barbados, in about 1650. They were originally called "kill-devil" or "rumbullion" and later on, simply Rum.

  • Brandy

    Brandy, simply put, is a distilled wine. It is categorised under Distilled Alcoholic Beverages along with Whiskey, Rum, Gin, Vodka and Tequila, but it's in a way a cross connection between Fermented liquor and distilled liquor. A Brandy typically containts 35% to 60% Alcohol by Volume ( 70-120 US proof ) and is usually consumed as an after dinner digestif.

    Although Brandy is generally classified as a liquor produced by distilling wine, in a broader sense, this encompasses liquors obtained from the distillation of either pomace ( the soild remains of grapes after mashing and extraction of juice for wine making ) or fruit mash or wine.

    It may be noted that Brandy like Gin is also one of the original Water of Life or eau de vie, carried over from the medieval tradition of an aquaous solution of ethanol used as a medicine.

    The history of Brandy is closely tied to the development of commercial distillation in and around the 15th Century. In early 15th Century French Brandy made way for a new cross-Atlantic trade or Triangle Trade and replaced Portuguese Fortified Wine or Port from the central role it played in trade, mostly due to the higher alcohol content of the Brandy and ease of transport. However by the late 17th Century, Rum replaced Brandy as the exchange alcohol of choice in the Triangle Trade. More info on Wikipedia for the interested Brandy aficionados. Note that an Apricot Brandy can refer to the liquor (or Eau de Vie, Water of Life) distilled from fermented apricot juice or a liqueur made from apricot flesh and kernels.

  • Kahlua Coffee Liqueur

    Coffee liqueur is a liqueur produced by steeping roasted coffee, sugar and other ingredients in neutral spirit. The most famous coffee liqueur brands are Kahlua and Tia Maria, Kahlua has been made in Mexico since 1936.

    However Kahlua has a thick buttery taste, that doesn't always appeal to the preferences of an alcoholic beverage lover. Which is why many people enjoy coffee liqueur made using their own home recipes.

    Typical ingredients of coffee liqueur include liquor, espresso coffee, roasted coffee bean (and powder), sugar, and vanilla syrup.

    The characteristic flavor of coffee along with over a couple of hundreds compounds contribute to the taste of coffee liqueur. Caffeine is a major ingredient of coffee, and also might be a taste factor that influences the complex flavour profile that appeal to coffee liqueur drinkers' palate. Reference - International Journal of Engineering & Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

    NOTE: In the absence of a Coffee Liqueur like Kahlua or Tia Maria, to make cocktails with Coffee Liqueur, Coffee Liqueur Syrup can be used as a substitute with the proportionate alcohol substituted with a triple distilled neutral Vodka.

  • Cointreau Orange Liqueur

    Orange Liqueur is the generic name for orange fruit based liqueurs, there are two traditions of orange liqueur, Triple Sec and Curacao, two major brands being Cointreau from the Triple Sec tradition and Grand Marnier from the Curacao tradition.


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