
How do I fix an overly intense infusion?


If your infusion is too strong, you can dilute it with more of the base liquor or even blend it with an uninfused spirit until the desired flavor is achieved.

Zico1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Zico cocktail recipePT5M


Moderate ABV ( between 15% and 20% ), Balanced and approachable.
*Note that dilution and other factors like type and temperature of ice are not considered in this upfront calculation.

coconut shrimp or tropical fruit salad

Tropical, fruity, and creamy

  • Sagatiba Pura 3 cl
  • White Rum 3 cl
  • Papaya Juice 6 cl
  • Coconut Cream 2.25 cl
  • Lime Juice 0.75 cl

highball glass

Zico is a popular Rum cocktail containing a combinations of Sagatiba Pura,White Rum,Papaya Juice,Coconut Cream,Lime Juice .Served using highball glass
Tropical flavors unite in this refreshing Brazilian cocktail. Light cachacaca and white rum form a Smooth base while papaya and coconut add fruity-sweet notes. Fresh lime provides a bright accent. Shaken hard with crushed ice for a supremely chilled texture, then strained into a highball glass filled with more crushed ice, it`s transcendently cooling and crisp. A touch of rich coconut cream rounds things out, blending seamlessly into the medley of summery flavors.

Zico Ingredients

Sagatiba Pura,White Rum,Papaya Juice,Coconut Cream,Lime Juice,

Zico Recipe

Shake well over crushed ice in a shaker, and strain into a large highball glass over crushed ice. Serve.

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  • Sagatiba Pura

    Cachaça or Cachaca is a distilled spirit made from fermented sugarcane juice. It is also known as pinga, caninha and several other names. It is the favourite distilled alcohol of Brazil.

    Cachaca, is also known as the Brazilian Rum, and it has a long and rich story. Many cachacas, however, are better defied as firewater than palatable Rum. Sagatiba Pura is an ultra premium cachaca first released in 2004 and then released to the U.S. market in 2007.

  • White Rum

    In the making of Rum, the produce of the fermentation and distillation process of molasses is a transparent spirit, which is then aged in vats or barrels and the end result of the ageing is Rum.

    White Rum differs from Dark Rum in this process of ageing, while to produce a Dark Rum, the distillate is aged in a large charred oak barrel, White Rum is aged in big stainless still barrels.

    There are no legal categorisatoin of Rums and it's just a matter of practice that dark rum is used in cooking or is drunk straight or with a Cola , white rums are mostly used in cocktails.

  • Papaya Juice

    A ripe papaya is sweet and has a taste similar to a melon or to some extent similar to a mango, the flesh melts in the mouth and has a buttery feel and the juice is sweet and smooth. Papaya is loaded with an enzyme called papain, which has a pungent, somewhat offensive smell and unpleasant taste, and thus, to some people, the taste of ripe papaya is not agreeable.

  • Coconut Cream

    Coconut Cream, Creme de Coconut or Cream of Coconut is a condensed coconut milk, with a thick syrup consistency. It is used to sweeten tropical drinks like a classic pina colada.
    Note: For ease of use and flexibility, buy Coconut Milk Powder and mix with desired amount of water and beat it to get either a cream or milk.

  • Lime Juice

    Lime Juice being rich in Vitamin C is an excellent remedy for sore throat and aids in digestion and controls blood sugar, and also promoted weight loss. It is used for various culinary and non-culinary purposes all over the world. Lime juice is known to reduce or even reverse the effects of excessive alcohol consumption and intoxication.
    The difference between Lime Juice and Lemon Juice is that although the sweet and sour Lemon and the bitter and sour Lime are two different fruits, they have similar properties and tastes similar too, the Lime, unlike the sweet and large Lemon, is used raw and is usually plucked green and has more bitterness and sourness in it's taste, and is grown better in tropical and sub-tropical climates.
    In drink mixing, fresh lemon juice brings a tangy zing to so many classic drinks and in fact, it's the most used ingredient in drink mixing other than the liquors of course.


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