
How do I come up with creative layering ideas?


Creativity is key in mixology! Experiment with different colored liqueurs, consider seasonal themes, and don't be afraid to mix flavors. Pinterest, cocktail books, and online cocktail databases are great sources of inspiration.

Yuppidoo1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Yuppidoo cocktail recipePT5M


  • Irish Cream 3 cl
  • Kahlua Coffee Liqueur 3 cl
  • Galliano Herbal Liqueur 3 cl
  • Vanilla Liqueur 3 cl
  • Half-And-Half 1 dash

highball glass


yuppidoo is a popular cocktail containing a combinations of Irish Cream,Kahlua Coffee Liqueur,Galliano Herbal Liqueur,Vanilla Liqueur,Half-And-Half .Served using highball glass

Yuppidoo Ingredients

Irish Cream,Kahlua Coffee Liqueur,Galliano Herbal Liqueur,Vanilla Liqueur,Half-A...

Yuppidoo Recipe

Shake all on ice and strain into a highball glass.

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  • Irish Cream

    Cream can be used to make a creamy cocktail, but when you make a cream cocktail make sure you whip and make your own version. You can also go for a heavy whipped cream which is thicker than regular cream and milk fat can be between 30%-40%.
    For a rich and creamy cocktail recipe, combine heavy cream with one shot of alcohol and powdered sugar, then whip it until soft peaks form for a fluffy consistency or you can use it as a loose cream.

  • Kahlua Coffee Liqueur

    Coffee liqueur is a liqueur produced by steeping roasted coffee, sugar and other ingredients in neutral spirit. The most famous coffee liqueur brands are Kahlua and Tia Maria, Kahlua has been made in Mexico since 1936.

    However Kahlua has a thick buttery taste, that doesn't always appeal to the preferences of an alcoholic beverage lover. Which is why many people enjoy coffee liqueur made using their own home recipes.

    Typical ingredients of coffee liqueur include liquor, espresso coffee, roasted coffee bean (and powder), sugar, and vanilla syrup.

    The characteristic flavor of coffee along with over a couple of hundreds compounds contribute to the taste of coffee liqueur. Caffeine is a major ingredient of coffee, and also might be a taste factor that influences the complex flavour profile that appeal to coffee liqueur drinkers' palate. Reference - International Journal of Engineering & Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

    NOTE: In the absence of a Coffee Liqueur like Kahlua or Tia Maria, to make cocktails with Coffee Liqueur, Coffee Liqueur Syrup can be used as a substitute with the proportionate alcohol substituted with a triple distilled neutral Vodka.

  • Galliano Herbal Liqueur

    Galliano is a liqueur made from neutral alcohol steeped with a wide range of herbs and spices ranging from juniper, anise, vanilla, musk yarrow, lavender and many more herbs and has a distinctive vanilla sweetness. Caramel and tartrazine is used to create the bright yellow colour. It's distinctive vanilla top note and sweetness and flavour separates it from other anise flavoured herbal liqueurs like Anisette, Sambuca and Pernod, and you don't need any sweetner syrup while mixing Galliano. Galliano or Liquore Galliano L'Autentico, is the creation of Artur Vaccari of Livorno, Tuscany, who created this liqueur in 1896 and named it after Giuseppe Galliano, a Royal Italian Army Officer. Galliano is bottled at 30% and 42.3% ABV.

  • Vanilla Liqueur

    Vanilla Liqueur as the name suggests, is a combination of a spirit and vanilla flavourings. Different brands use different base spirits and the method of adding vanilla varies too, it could be created by distilling or macerating or infusion of extracts into a brandy or neutral spirit. Several reputed brands create Vanilla Liqueur from Cognac.

    Choose the one that best suits your taste. Here is a list on eHow.

  • Half And Half

    Half-And-Half is just half whole milk and half heavy cream. The texture is thicker than milk, but less richer than full cream. It is a perfect middle ground for Coffee and Cocktails.
    Half-And-Half can be interchanged with Heavy Whipping Cream. The difference is in the fat content, Half-and-half is 10 to 18 percent fat, and heavy cream falls between 30 and 36 percent. So while replacing one with the other, the consistency and thickness of the cocktail will depend on how much of the heavy cream you use to replace the Half-And-Half.


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